黎緊有2011 1月中 Apple 有發佈會,....決定出咩

究竟係iPhone 白色定係iPad2?? 最有可能係iPad2 跑出

因為之前講左iPhone 4 白色應該係春季先出.
iPhone 5就要出埋Iphone 白色 or CDMA version 先出
咁黑色iPhone 4 仲有無價值??定係 order CDMA 版 iPhone
真係要博一博..唸清楚先好係 Apple Store Order 呀
可能到時iPad2 有新Function , 買iPad-2 仲好.
iPad 2機套再現 更小更薄
2011年01月07日美國拉斯維加斯年度消費者電子產品展( Consumer Electronics Show, CES)昨日(周四)揭幕。蘋果沒產品在 CES推介,但科技網站 Engadget記者米勒前天在會場驚見第二代 iPad保護機套蹤影,再次證實 iPad 2有前後置鏡頭,更輕更薄。
專為蘋果 iPhone和 iPod製造配件的中國參展廠商 Dexim說:「這是專為下一代 iPad而設的。」米勒拿出自己的 iPad來試用機套,但無法將 iPad放進,顯示 iPad 2比 iPad更小更薄。他又見機套前後都有小圓孔,相信 iPad 2設有前後置鏡頭,可進行蘋果 FaceTime視像對話。機套背底部有個大開口,估計是供揚聲器使用。
這款機套設計跟中國阿里巴巴網站上周刪除 Fullchance廠商的 iPad 2機套廣告的設計脗合,但米勒沒提及機套是否有 USB槽插口。
將有新產品 員工停休假
消息透露,蘋果管理層已下令零售店員工停止休假三周,意味蘋果本月底或下月初將有重大新產品發佈活動,要員工全體候命促銷,業界估計蘋果可能會宣佈 iPad 2或 CDMA制式版 iPhone 4面世。
蘋果在 CES上沒推介新產品,但宣佈專為 Mac機開設的 Mac App Store周四起「開張」,初步有逾 1,000個收費或免費 apps供 Mac機主下載。
Reference :http://cgnews.coms.hk/art_main.php?iss_id=20110107&sec_id=15335&art_id=14844458
iPad 2 mockup teases 128GB storage, exhibits speaker grille we've seen before
By Vlad Savov posted Jan 6th 2011 6:52PM
Hands-OnBreaking NewsApple itself might not be at CES, but the prospective upgrade of its iPad to version two has accessory manufacturers (or at least manufacturers' imaginations) working overtime. We've just come across our
second iPad 2 mockup, this one a lot more comprehensive than the first, which seems to mesh well with some
earlier imagery we've seen of the supposed next-gen Apple tablet. Not only that, its
rear label reveals an A1337 product code -- one that's also shared by the current iPad WiFi + 3G -- and lists 128GB of onboard storage, two times the current tablet's maximum. We don't know what material it's made out of, but it felt felt the same as the current iPad's aluminum shell. All that said, this is still just a mockup from a no-name accessory maker and we're just as willing to believe it was put together on the basis of some decent rumor research as we are to think that it really is the iPad 2. No harm in browsing some
Reference :http://www.engadget.com/