Adsense Script

2011年12月28日 星期三

點樣JB iOS 5教學(完美越獄版教程加圖片)

等左幾個月iOS5終於可以完美Jail break 啦 ~

iPad2 /iPhone 4s 可以睇呢篇blog:
全JB iPad2 / iPhone 4s iOS5 教學(越獄連圖 Step by Step)

大致都係同之前JB IPhone 4.3.3 教學差不多


Download link


一個software 攪掂晒(外國叫Bundles),點解要分享比大家,好處係

1.又唔駛download 番個OS .
   因為而家無論係iphone4s /iphone4 /iPod/iPad2,個ios 都係一番黎就係ios5 …..
2.仲要唔怕restart 部機[之前個D半JB 係唔restart 得部 iphone4 架]

3. 可以試下上左iOS 又幾快..個相機點樣好…個response 點樣快左既朋友

不過今次無A5 CPU 既方法,講得白d即係iPhone4s 同 iPad2 仲未可以完全完美越獄.

對於早前自己無啦啦upgrade 上左iOS 5 既blogger /朋友,又或者想試下上左 iOS 5既人..快d跟住D steps 同埋圖做啦...step by step..都幾容易.

不過幾容易都好...若果有d連咩叫DFU mode..之前未JB 個朋友,最好妳都係過多一掛先啦. 有一拉就JB 個隻方法先試啦


0.   開始啦...最好去番iTune backup 番晒 D apps / 聯絡電話先
     [不過人地試過晒..今次都唔驚無晒D apps 既]


1、自己 donwload 番redsn0w 0.9.10b1是必不可少的了,下載地址如下:


2、準備iOS 5.0.1 固件 [無iphone4s 同 iPad 架]

iPhone 4 GSM(點擊下載)

iPhone 4 CDMA(點擊下載)

iPhone 3GS(點擊下載)

iPad 1(點擊下載)

iPod Touch 3G(點擊下載)

iPod Touch 4G(點擊下載)




紅雪redsn0w 0.9.10b1與之前不完美越獄版工具介面基本一致,通過下面的圖片可以注意到。 

打開redsn0w 0.9.10b1後,可以看到兩個選項,JailbreakExtras,一定要先選擇Extras,因為選擇和驗證IPSW固件就是在這個選項中完成。


使用redsn0w 0.9.10b1越獄需要準備iOS 5.0.1版固件,點擊Select IPSW後,在彈出的視窗中選擇即可。





Cydia是一定要安裝的,Enable multitask gestures是多手勢任務,和iOS 4.3.x的一樣,根據需求來選擇,不過沒有什麼實際意義。



接下來的步驟和之前的越獄一致,需要進入DFU模式(長按Power + Home key),進入DFU模式也和之前的操作完全相同。








開機後看到系統中的Cydia就代表我們已經越獄成功了,點擊Cydia後進入可以看到Cydia已經識別到iOS 5系統。 

趕緊添加源,安裝AppSync插件吧,這可是我們越獄的最主要目的。在添加源之前,我們需要使用iFunboxvar/mobile/Library下的Keyboard檔夾複製到var/root/Library中,以解決CydiaiOS 5中文下閃退的問題。

一切都準備好了,進入Cydia,點擊Manger,選擇Sources進入源管理介面,然後點擊右上角的Edit,左側會變為Add添加源,點擊後輸入源位址,點擊“Add Source”添加源,彈出提示後點擊仍然添加。

添加好源后,返回即可看到我们刚才添加的Hackulo.us这个软件源,点击进入安装AppSync for iOS 5.0+,安装后,越狱过程也就结束了,尽情的享受越狱带来的自由吧。


點樣JailbreakiOS 5 on iPhone 4 教學 (JB 5 個Steps 連Video)

全JB iPad2 / iPhone 4s iOS5 教學(越獄連圖 Step by Step)

當然唔係香港人自己JB 到,英文原著可以係呢度搵到: 
Reference : 
@pod2g has created a terrific gift for iOS
fans — an untethered 5.0.1 jailbreak for non-A5 devices!
Many of you have already been following
@pod2g’s blog where he’s been keeping everyone up to date on his progress. And so you know that he recently decided to
push the button on a release for all devices except the new iPhone4S and
iPad2. @pod2g’s untether involves two
separate exploits and a few other “tricks” — and since he’s taken the @comex
approach of doing nearly everything himself, you know his plate has been full
these past few months!
A few days ago, @pod2g gave the untether to
both the iPhone devteam and the chronic devteam. We’ve put it into redsn0w 0.9.10 and
PwnageTool, and the chronic devteam put it into a Cydia package (the same set
of exploits is in all three).
Here are the basic steps for how to get it:
The untether is for iOS 5.0.1 on iPhone3GS,
iPhone4, iPhone4-CDMA, iPad1, iPod touch 3G, iPod touch 4G
If you have one of those devices and are
not on 5.0.1 yet, update now! The SHSH
window is still open for 5.0.1 If you
unlock via ultrasn0w or gevey, make sure you only get to 5.0.1 via a custom
IPSW! See the guides at places like if you don’t know how. 
Once you’re at 5.0.1, use the latest redsn0w 0.9.10 to both jailbreak
and untether.
If you’re already at 5.0.1 with a tethered
jailbreak, you have two choices: either run redsn0w 0.9.10 over your current
jailbreak (deselect “Install Cydia” if you do that), or install the Cydia
package prepared by the chronic devteam. 
The patches are the same regardless of which you choose.
Some of you are using a hybrid 5.0/5.0.1
configuration. If so, do not attempt to
install this untether over that setup! 
You will most likely get into a reboot cycle. Do a sync and fresh restore to 5.0.1 then
install the jailbreak + untether.
As mentioned earlier, @pod2g has spent
months working on all the exploits and tricks in this untether, and many of you
may be wondering how you can send donations. 
Although the iPhone devteam itself doesn’t take donations, we thought it
was appropriate to provide a link at the end of the redsn0w run for you to more
easily donate directly to @pod2g if you wish (alternatively, you can go right
here). There’s a link in the Cydia
package for donating to the chronic devteam for the Cydia version of @pod2g’s
@pod2g is now looking for a way to extendthis to A5 devices. Because those
devices cannot use geohot’s limera1n exploit to inject the untether, they
require exploits above and beyond those used for this release. Keep following pod2g on twitter or his blog
for any progress reports!
Update #2: The b2 version of redsn0w
includes the launchctl-related fix by @planetbeing as mentioned by @saurik here
and here. As usual, you can just re-run
redsn0w in jailbreak mode over your existing 5.0.1 jailbreak (even a PwnageTool
one), making sure to de-select “Install Cydia” if you do. Always be sure to do a controlled “slide to
power off” shutdown of your device before running redsn0w.
Here are the redsn0w download links:
redsn0w 0.9.10b2 for OS Xredsn0w 0.9.10b2 for Windows (be sure to
run in Administrator mode) PwnageTool Official Bittorent Releases
PwnageTool_5.0.1.dmgSHA1 Sum =32e90607378988cdebb6c76d3acf8ffac6366e35

Unofficial Mirrors
The following links are unofficial download mirrors, you download these archives at your own risk, we accept no
responsibility if your computer explodes or if it becomes part of a NASA
attacking botnet or even worse if your hands fall off mid-way during the use of
these files. We do not check these links and we accept no responsibility with
regard to the validity of the files, the other content that these links may
provide or with the content that is on the third-party linked site.
Always check the files that you havedownloaded against our published SHA1 hash.
We would prefer that you downloaded theofficial bittorrent release that is linked above, but you are welcome to try
these if you really must.Mirror owners should email mirrors to - please ensure that they are direct dmg download links
only (no rapidshare type sites please)
and that your web-server can serve DMG MIME types properly. — please don’t
place mirrors in the comments as they will be deleted.

2011年12月26日 星期一

送給Mancent 的聖誕禮物(加蘋果皮iTouch變iPhone)

由於呢排屋企發生左D 唔開心既事,比較寫少左D家事同Mancent BB D 野.

其實呢個聖誕節, 我地送左一樣都幾獨一無二既野, 送給Mancent 當作聖誕禮物

而家Boxing day 就開估啦~

佢就係最新既 iPod Touch 啦...仲有 iOS 同埋iCloub support.


Mancent : PaPa MaMa Love You !

其實要刻名/刻字..係Apple Store 落 order 時可以加埋落去...唔駛加錢同埋免費架.

iPod Tocuh 8G white [最新出既顏色] 仲要 Personlised
盛惠 $1588

其實iPod touch 都真係幾低架....你可以想像係一部 iPhone4s..樣樣function 都一樣.不過就無左打電話果Part.

註 : iPod 要打電話...亦可以裝<蘋果皮>

可以install Tango / 上網 / WiFi / talking tom / PPS 同埋一般 iPhone Apps


文迪媽媽都一齊都Mancent 研究架....好似影相.....icloub, 裝Apps

Mancent 就玩緊另外一隻Game..搵下自己係邊度

Mancent : 唔好顧住玩iPod 好唔好?

呢個就係早幾年買既 舊 iPod ....
由於無speaker ,要駁先聽到歌歌 / MP3

之前入面入晒D 小朋友英文歌架... Happy English song track

而家iPod 內置左speaker ....Mancent 拎住四圍去都得啦~

有左iPod 同蘋果皮..聽歌打電話都一次個攪掂晒..

$1588 iTouch + $588 蘋果皮 = $2176 ..一定平過個部 iPhone4 8g or iPhone 4s 16G

以下就係教大家點樣買蘋果皮iTouch 變 iPhone

深圳山寨廠推出名怪, 功能怪的蘋果皮外接套件,讓 iPod Touch 也可以打電話發短信,這款蘋果皮520,只要花上幾百蚊就買到,iPod 變準『iPhone 』,蘋果皮520 零售版終於面世。 ePrice CN 站版主害虫,搶先試到發售版,接下來就讓我們看看蘋果皮520 是否能完成讓 iPod Touch 變身 iPhone 的偉大使命!



▲蘋果皮520 零售版終於問世了,預計售價在 HK$550 元左右。如此創意難怪讓蘋果公司也有些驚慌失措,急忙向美國專利與商標局申請了一項名為「附件接收器」設備的專利,以防止這位來自『山寨』的蘋果皮520 搶了自己的蛋糕。
經過改進後的蘋果皮520,外型也進行了重新的設計。整體看上去與 iPhone 保護套非常相似,並採用可拆卸設計,包括蘋果皮520 主體、電池後蓋、前置面板三大部分,看起來和普通手機沒有差異(就功能而言其實就是一台手機)。

▲ 完整狀態下的蘋果皮520,有圖示告訴你如何將 iPod Touch 插入

▲ 蘋果皮520 背面,塑料機身經過霧化效果處理,手感不錯

▲ 機身背面銘刻有:PATENT PENDING(正在申請專利)字樣,但這個專利能否申請得到 iconicon...好難講 icon

Apple 好明顯係唔會official 話support 呢d

山寨版 iPhone 啦

Reference :

2011年12月25日 星期日

Nuffnang 聖誕送大禮

參加左 Nuffnang聖誕造型設計比賽 ,

其實最緊要係隻右手,個宣傳器....識左Nuffnang 呢個blogger community 都一年有多,心目中佢地成日會攪好多唔同種類既Event..
好似睇戲/ 上Photo攝影堂/四圍試下菜/食好野, 五顏六色..多資多彩....
等個個blogger 之後都可以影好多靚相..之後出Post upload 去電腦 blog /比其他分享. 
 仲可以多D機會去下第二D地方 ..好似馬來西亞.....有番多D回憶 



星都有意思架...本身就係一粒一粒...就好似我地D blogger 一樣....

本身D 星星各自都已經好"閃"

不過若果大家一齊group 埋,就可以組合出更加靚既圖案啦..好似聖誕機咁..而家仲可以發揮左更大既光芒呀~~~~~


好似之前同mancent 去既
海洋公園幕後探秘之旅 同埋免費海洋公園哈囉喂門票
Nuffnang 安排左出席既Blogger有我地國皇之家一家三口加工人(永勝家姐)萬寧妹妹一家石先生仲有都係一家大細既
Cotton candy,咱們3+1,另外dPhotospot blogger..d係科技旅遊有關既精英 ....

想知道更多Nuffnang的身世?你可以觀看以下短片,然後參加尋找Nuffnang的故事問答比賽」 (。答對兩條簡單問題的朋友,更有機會贏取MUJI 無印良品 $200 購物禮券。”

Nuffnang is an ambassador from Malaysia and he’s been in the Hong Kong blogosphere for almost a year. This is his first Christmas in Hong Kong so I’ve designed a new outfit for him to celebrate this joyous jubilation!  Feel free to watch the following video to get to know more about Nuffnang. You can also be in to win $200 Muji gift vouchers by answering 2 questions here (

(變身前 )


答兩條問題,即有機會贏取「MUJI 無印良品」 $200 購物禮券 ....希望大家中獎啦 :)

2011年12月22日 星期四

iPhone Apps Development 速成班

啱啱上完iPhone/iPad Apps Development 速成班
(終極目標:寫個Apps挑戰祖國外掛程式,還我地香港人iPhone4s)— 在生產力大樓

iPhone4S 外掛訂機示範

祖國外掛程式,因為無80萬買個 D Code,估係咁. 

1. 先扮Apps login Apple Store 
2. 不斷24小時秒秒Poll 個Apple retail store 
3. 一check 到有就自行login + save 晒 D sesssion data (e.g. timestamp/IFC shop code/Apple ID) 
4.扮selected model/ 入HKID/ Post 埋當時available既拎機時間

1-4 全程要2-3秒做晒....而家好似佢地10s 做到40-50隻order..香港人用手click完全唔夠佢地快....全部/日日比大陸人訂晒...

note:就算寫唔到..都要整亂佢地D request/poll 運作

2011年12月16日 星期五

Microsoft Hong Kong 「家‧從此更精彩」活動遊戲

因為國皇之家之前 Like 左Windows Hong Kong 個facebook fans page..

發現而家有一個Facebook Event 進行緊....D禮物都豐富同埋幾實用架.

個遊戲都係由Microsoft Hong Kong 攪架


大家都知永勝係電車IT 男...Microsoft 既產品我都幾熟既, 而我係呢度都比D tips 大家啦

不過最好click "立即睇片" 再自己confirm 一下.


:::::家 • 贏大獎更精彩答案::::

客廳:XBox360 / Kinect
書房:HP Pavilion Entertainment PC + Skydrive+Live Messenger
飯廳:Lenovo IdeaPad UltraBook + Live Messenger
睡房:Office 2010 (Word / Powerpoint)

仲有, 曾經出現的Microsoft產品名字,然後用不多於50字,令家庭生活更精彩。


睇番個劇場版D影片,我自己覺得最犀利就係"媽咪@飯廳"既 Lenovo UltraBook 10秒開機個篇.

用黎團購真係Fit 晒....不過永勝自己仲唸到多一樣野,就係可以用呢個十秒開機既優點,

拎黎網上訂 iPhone 4s,之前講個既三篇blog

如何預訂iPhone 4s (黃金30 秒)  

iPhone4s 又有得訂(3分鐘就可以賺$6000 )

iPhone 4s 開賣情況


落Order訂既Window 30秒就close..你開機都用左30-40秒....好明顯人地close 左你都仲未入到去啦~

講番個活動先,上面紅色highlight 左既,已經比晒提示大家....

就咁send 個e-mail 去就可以有機會贏到部 HP Notebook / Lenovo think Center /Window Phones,

仲要係新既Nokia Lumia...都好簡單同埋好易.  


亦都身體力行咁去做左..大家可以睇下 Microsoft 既遊戲主機點樣令到一家人玩得開開心心~

國皇之家既娛賓兩寶 Xbox360 plus Kinect ..真係啱晒大人同小朋友


睇下D相,一大班"大"人玩Kinect Sport..又可以成家人加同事玩......玩個果又好玩....

其他睇住佢地玩都玩得好開心架. 仲影埋想即刻放上facebook


打到成頭都係星星..又出埋感嘆號 !!!!!

玩完仲可以分享Share 比其他人


仲有其他Kinect 遊戲...好似呢個Kinect Adventures..連Mancent BB 都有興趣




係咪覺得好好玩呢??? 若果大家都想贏番部Xbox 360 + Kinect (或者其他microsoft 產品)

就快D去玩「家 • 贏大獎更精彩」遊戲啦~

Mancent 話: 1月31號就dealine 啦