原因係因為永勝呢一個星期沉迷打緊一隻online game,佢就係電車男屋企必備既
我不惜公本upgrade 左國皇之家既電腦,買左隻新既2T Harddisk 加重新安裝個OS ,由Window Vista 去 Window 7

因為而家個個打緊既都忙住升Level ...Max 係60 level ,搵左d有用資料分享下
首先回應番個主題先,要 快速升Level 60,可以用 重置任務大法幫你快速升呢到60級
Reference : 作者:violaking 來源:凱恩之角
大家快D Add 我啦幫手升Level ~

都攪左成個星期先比到$...前後look 左四次先成功
攪左咁耐加麻煩, 成功比我知道若果我地香港人打國際版有問題,可以打番邊度有香港 Diablo3 Hotline
唔駛打IDD roaming 去美國問野或者投訴
Hong Kong Diablo Hotline
[Players in Australia and Singapore should call 1-800-041-378 and 800-2549927]我仲開左 US ticket 投訴

不過用自己Visa,唔好再用美國銀行果D e.g. citibank /America Express
我既經驗係美國銀行 AE /citi bank 果d checking 都好麻煩.因為個發咭地係香港,不是美國,佢地唔比你輕易碌 USD 美金 59.99
可能其他visa card 可能都有同樣問題,用其他成功過既Player /朋友果D, 佢地成功有record, 再買都無問題
下面就係買唁到既e-mail , 用IDD 打去美國Diablo 公司Battle.net ,成日hotline 都無人聽,直接cut 線
Blizzard Store -- Purchase Failed
This notice is being sent to inform you that we were unable to successfully complete your recent purchase on the Blizzard Store. The charge for that item on your order was not finalized.
Since we could not fully authorize this item’s purchase, it has now been deactivated. If it was applied to a play account, it will no longer appear, and the account will be left in the state it was in previously.
For any questions about Blizzard orders or your Blizzard Account, please find the contact information for our Blizzard Billing and Account Services department at http://us.battle.net/support/en/article/contact
We thank you for your patronage and your patience in this matter.
Customer Service
Blizzard Entertainment
As we spoke on the phone we are going to be investigating why your card is being declined, as soon as I have some concret information, I will message you back with my findings.
If you have any questions about this or any other issue, feel free to respond to this ticket or call us. As a reminder, our number is 1-800-592-5499. Players in Australia and Singapore should call 1-800-041-378 and 800-2549927 respectively if unable to connect via the first number. Live representatives are available between 8:00AM and 8:00PM Pacific Time, 7 days a week.
Jhonathan D.
Customer Services
Blizzard Entertainment
My name is Game Master Mirdrellos, and it looks like the system keeps denying the payment because its not coming from the registered location of the account. I see your account and Card are listed under the United States, but all payments are being processed from Hong Kong, thus the denial.
If you give our Billing Department a call, they should be able to process your payment over the phone with no errors =) You can reach them at:
Hong Kong/Macau
I do show the payments failing though, so those funds will be returned to you =)If there is anything else we can look into, please dont hesitate to let us know.
Game Master Mirdrellos
Customer Services
Blizzard Entertainment
1. 因為DIABLO係外國遊戲,聽緊由英文轉釋出來的普通話........會即刻冇乜心情想玩!
2. 只有國際版 US account 先可以有Mac versio download
3. 只有國際版 US account 先可以有拍賣場買裝備
另外,而家一有時間,好似早幾日Server Maintance, 我就去左呢度睇下其他高手點打
暗黑破壞神3 -數小時升60LV方法詳解(二)

暗黑破壞神3 BETA 繁體中文全程劇情跳小怪 64分完整版
Since we could not fully authorize this item’s purchase, it has now been deactivated. If it was applied to a play account, it will no longer appear, and the account will be left in the state it was in previously.
For any questions about Blizzard orders or your Blizzard Account, please find the contact information for our Blizzard Billing and Account Services department at http://us.battle.net/support/en/article/contact
We thank you for your patronage and your patience in this matter.
Customer Service
Blizzard Entertainment
As we spoke on the phone we are going to be investigating why your card is being declined, as soon as I have some concret information, I will message you back with my findings.
If you have any questions about this or any other issue, feel free to respond to this ticket or call us. As a reminder, our number is 1-800-592-5499. Players in Australia and Singapore should call 1-800-041-378 and 800-2549927 respectively if unable to connect via the first number. Live representatives are available between 8:00AM and 8:00PM Pacific Time, 7 days a week.
Jhonathan D.
Customer Services
Blizzard Entertainment
My name is Game Master Mirdrellos, and it looks like the system keeps denying the payment because its not coming from the registered location of the account. I see your account and Card are listed under the United States, but all payments are being processed from Hong Kong, thus the denial.
If you give our Billing Department a call, they should be able to process your payment over the phone with no errors =) You can reach them at:
Hong Kong/Macau
I do show the payments failing though, so those funds will be returned to you =)If there is anything else we can look into, please dont hesitate to let us know.
Game Master Mirdrellos
Customer Services
Blizzard Entertainment
1. 因為DIABLO係外國遊戲,聽緊由英文轉釋出來的普通話........會即刻冇乜心情想玩!
2. 只有國際版 US account 先可以有Mac versio download
3. 只有國際版 US account 先可以有拍賣場買裝備
另外,而家一有時間,好似早幾日Server Maintance, 我就去左呢度睇下其他高手點打
暗黑破壞神3 -數小時升60LV方法詳解(二)