If you’re on Windows, then open the “hosts” file in Notepad. If on a Mac, then open the “hosts” file in TextEdit, and add the following line at the end: gs.apple.com
Refer to the screenshot below if you’re having confusion:
Just save the file and close Notepad or TextEdit, and you’re all set for the downgrade.
A quick note for Windows 7 and Vista users: Start Notepad with “Administrator privileges”, that can be done by right-clicking the Notepad app, and there you will see the “Administrator privileges” option, simply click and launch.
A quick note for Mac OS X users: While saving the host file on your Mac, you should have complete read and write privileges in order to make changes. Getting a permission error? A simple workaround is to copy the host file to your Mac’s desktop, from there make the changes in TextEdit, save the file, and copy it back to the original location, and replace the original host file with the one which you just created.
Step 4: Launch iTunes, choose your device from the left sidebar. Hold down the left “Shift” key if you’re on Windows or hold down the left “alt” key if you’re on a Mac and click on “Restore”, do not click anything else! A new window will pop up asking you for the location of the IPSW file.
Navigate to the desired firmware to which you want to downgrade to, in this case it can be either iOS 4.3.3, 4.3.2, 4.3.1, 4.3 or 4.2.1. Once you find the required IPSW file, click “Open” and let iTunes do its thing.
In a matter of few minutes, iTunes will install the version of iOS which you directed it to install. At this point you should see a progress bar on your device, everything is automated, therefore don’t do anything silly. Your device will reboot automatically when everything is done.
In some cases, iTunes will throw 1013 error, ignore it, its perfectly normal when downgrading. At this point, your device will be in Recovery Mode with your desired version of iOS fully installed.
You should see a screen like the one below:
Its quite simple to get out of Recovery Mode, simply down this nifty program called TinyUmbrella (Windows, Mac) along with Fix Recovery (Windows, Mac).
Once you’re done downloading TinyUmbrella, launch it, and then click on the “Exit Recovery” button. In a matter of seconds, your device will boot up normally.
Once you’re done with this, the last thing you’re going to do is remove the line you added to the “host” file in step 3, which is gs.apple.com in order to receive updates from Apple’s servers normally.
If you’re running iOS 4.3.3, then simply follow our guide on how to jailbreak iOS 4.3.3 using JailbreakMe, fully untethered!
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回覆刪除想請問下 如果我個iphone係4.3.4 version 而我又未jailbreak過 , 應該睇邊個post照做先岩呀 ? tks
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/21/2011 20:41:00]JB 而家未support 4.3.4 呀
要downl grade 番先 (即係呢個先整先)
有個問題想請教, JB 左IPAD 2 宜家同ITUNES 同步唔到正版APPS 同歌, 有咩方法解決? THANKS!
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/02/2011 01:27:30]install 多一個叫AppSyn 4.2 就可以了(係Cydia 有)